The Albuquerque Police Department are being investigated by the FBI after a YouTube video went up last week, showing APD shooting a homeless man who was camping, after what was reported as a standoff that lasted for hours.
This is the 22nd police shooting since 2010, and outrage has poured out over the incident, sparking the interest of the national media and even Anonymous, which led to protests against police violence all over the city Sunday night.
APD has said that the deadly use of force was warranted in this
instance, because the suspect, James Boyd, had a history of mental
illness and was armed with multiple knives.
(Read the rest of the story here...)
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One of my favorite pieces of Satanic Panic-era propaganda has to be Jack Chick’s “Dark Dungeons” religious tract. One of hundreds of such tracts created by evangelist Chick, “Dark Dungeons” is the story of two young women led astray by the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
One of them, Marcie, commits suicide after her thief character “Black
Leaf” dies and the other, Debbie, is initiated into witchcraft after her
cleric character Elfstar advances to eighth level. As the diabolical
Dungeon Master “Ms. Frost” leads Debbie further from the loving arms of
Jesus, her mysterious friend “Mike” pops up to tell her that she’s in
grave danger. Following a visit to a mustachioed minister, Debbie
repents and burns all of her D&D materials instead of saving them to
sell on eBay in twenty years when she needs beer money.
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There’s a gang of YouTube videos
out there “proving” that So-and-So is a shape-changing lizard alien,
based solely on minor video distortions. And (if you didn’t know)
Paul’s bare feet on the cover of Abbey Road is proof that MI5 replaced him with a double when he died in 1966.
Sometimes, the most innocuous event can be touted as evidence of a conspiracy.
And sometimes, the evidence supporting a theory will be so damning
that it will push that theory into the realm of “fact.” Like Snowden’s
revelations, which proved what the Alex Jones crowd had been saying for years.
But somewhere in the middle, are those events which refuse to be
either proof or conjecture. Events that merely dull Occam’s razor,
leaving you with only a slightly scarred hunk of rock-solid “what if..”
(Read the rest here...)
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