
BEAUTIFY: Triangle Man, Triangle Man...

        I'm gonna go ahead and say it:  I have attempted this manicure several times before and it always ends in FAIL.  I've tried using triangle-shaped tape decals, a mini paint brush, and have now had mild success with using a tape stencil as a guide.  I had higher hopes (and more detail) in mind for this but ended up so frustrated that my lines STILL weren't perfectly straight that I just left them like this.  I know, it's not the worst, but I'm a little OCD and these crooked triangles kinda bug me.  At least the colors complement each other and my skin well; I still think it's funny that I actually really like to wear gold now.  It all started with my wedding ring... I had to have nail polish to match it!  I still love all things silver, but this past year has been all about change and I'm more than willing to dive head first into something new... even when that something is as simple as adding a new color to my wardrobe.

        As an added bonus, here is Particle Man by They Might Be Giants.  I was trying to think of a title for this post and this silly song popped into my head, so I went with it.  And if you actually remember seeing this on Tiny Toons, there is a high possibility that we could be friends.


VSR said...

Ok let me say if I was girl, I would have this design on my nails. Heh. I was thinking about how you were having trouble painting straight lines, I was wondering if it's possible to use masking tape our painters tape? I would think painting the base color first then after completely dried putting the tape to make the triangles. I wouldn't know unless I did it myself. Which I'm not. But it would be fun to experiment on your nails.ooh the fun we could have, ha ha.plus thanks for the memories of triangle man!

{j} said...

You so silly! Masking tape would probably be the best because it's not so sticky, but I was being lazy and only used what I already had in the house, which was scotch tape.

VSR said...

Hmmm well it's kind of sad then that you did use tape. I wonder what happened? You'll just have to attempt that design again I say. Heh!

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